AZSEEDS company was established on August 31, 2016. Our company is engaged in the import, production and sale of vegetable seeds. Since October 2016, it has been the official exclusive distributor in Azerbaijan o the largest seed production company in South Korea- "Nongwoo Bio", and the largest seed producer in Russia- "Gavrish", since January 2018.
In the following years, our cooperation with other world brands expanded. AZSEEDS company is currently the exclusive distributor in Azerbaijan of "Hollar Seeds" company of the USA and "Agri Saaten" and “agro-TIP” companies of the Germany. Our company also cooperates with "Crookham", "Joeun", "GSN", “Pop Vriend Seeds” and “Known-You Seed” companies.
Currently, our company offers about 80 varieties to farmers.
During the years of our activity, we have always introduced our entrepreneurs and farmers to new methods in the agricultural field and provided them with the necessary agrotechnical services. AZSEEDS is very serious about the testing and registration of seeds, it tests about 400 hybrids every year under the contract with the Institute of Genetic Resources of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and the ANAS Arboretum. So far, more than 136 hybrids and varieties have been registered in the Agricultural Services Agency, and more than 200 hybrids and varieties are in the testing phase.